Quadcell Communications
Industry leading solutions provider

Quadcell Communication is one of the fastest growing technology solutions provider in the mobile communication industry, allowing customers to be as creative as they want within the mobile marketplace by providing a flexible platform that makes anything possible. We have developed autonomous products and value-added services that can be quickly adjust your strategy or adapt to the market anytime, without delays or disrupting your existing business.

Extensive Coverage
Sponsored Roaming allows you to instantly expand your roaming coverage and services saving you time and resources in building roaming agreements with mobile operators one-by one. With focuses on data and prepaid services, Quadcell’s sponsored roaming solution covers both voice and SMS for all Asia countries and regions including China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more. 3G/4G data service in regions in the European Union, Russia, the United State, Canada and the U.A.E. are fully enabled as well.
State-Of-The-Art Solutions
With the total solution and operation by our MVNE architecture, revenue generation is the only thing you need to focus and Quadcell will be taking care of everything else including the setup and modification of service packages, user profile management, and more. Service portal provides you a one-stop management interface for usage tracking, emergency service access control etc.
Alternatively, you may bring in your systems and networks to integrate with Quadcell via APIs and various standard 3GPP/ITU interfaces to allow maximum services and access control with you own established business logic and operation procedure for both physical SIM and/or e-SIM standard.

Quadcell MVNE architecture allows you to bring in your own mobile/IMSI resources enabling the fast establishment of business operation including mobile virtual network operation, M2M/IoT operation, soft-SIM based mobile application operation, and more:
Customer Care and Billing Function
Providing you with customer care and billing capabilities function for both individual end-user level and enterprise-wholesale level.
Core Network Hosting
Offering full set of mobile core network and elements including HSS, OCS, PCRF, P-GW, etc. to support your mobile/IMSI resources with less CAPEX and OEPX from your pocket.
Credit Control Function
Enabling prepaid service functions for voice, SMS and data in addition to providing postpaid and other hybrid service packages.
OTA Function
Enabling multi-IMSI solution with Over-The-Air (OTA) technology, you are taking full control of the quality and cost in your service offering to customers.

Extensive global reach, with local numbers available for over 120 countries.
Alternative to toll-free numbers, which are blocked by mobile operators in some countries.
Local access numbers are reachable from anywhere in the world.
Cost effective option that allows customers to call from fixed phones or mobile phones.
Keep your existing numbers for most countries when transitioning to M800 services.
Penetrate new markets by using local access numbers in your global outreach.

Deliver messages, updates, and notifications from over 230 countries & territories around the world instantly through Quadcell SMS API and Web SMS.
Effective and simple to use, our SMS solutions allow you to integrate reliable, globally supported SMS functionality into your app or send international SMS messages through a web interface. Each message is backed-up by strong network redundancy and security, ensuring they are sent without interruption or intrusion.

High Industry-Standard Metrics
Guarantee SLAs
Fast and Easy Integration
High Throughput Capabilities
Real-time Reporting And Analytics
Bi-directional Unicode Support
High average success and DLR ratio, exceeding SLA-guaranteed levels.
Network redundancy ensuring messages are sent without delay.
Our SMS SDKs are written in popular programming languages for high levels of compatibility and fast integration.
Send thousands of messages per minute with our high-throughput SMPP gateway.
Get accurate and detailed information on your campaigns' performance in real-time.
Unicode support for both outbound and inbound messaging.

Quadcell Communication is one of the fastest growing technology solutions provider in the mobile communication industry, allowing customers to be as creative as they want within the mobile marketplace by providing a flexible platform that makes anything possible. We have developed autonomous products and value-added services that can be quickly adjust your strategy or adapt to the market anytime, without delays or disrupting your existing business.